Thursday, September 18, 2008

Bob #27 Jim Wicker

Jim and Steve have worked with each other on and off the stage for decades. Their comfort and ease with one another made for a magical performance.

His Testimonial:

and click here for more. Keyword search: Jim

Bob #26 David O'Hara

David was completely open and honest and the audience was in tears at time for his performance. He was very self-deprecating, as most actors are known to do, but his performance was top-notch.

His testimonial:

And click here for more. Keyword search: David O

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

3 for 3 Reviews are in!

John Fleming from the St. Pete Times

Kathy Greenberg from the Tampa Tribune

Mark Leib from Creative Loafing - MAJOR SPOILER ALERT. Don't read this one till you've seen the show, please.


Bob #24 - Drew DeCaro

Drew was far more cathartic than I thought he ws going to be. (Not the first time a Bob has surprised me :) He was incredibly thoughtful at the response session that followed the performance. great sound bites if you have the time.

His testimonial:

And click here for more. Keyword search: Drew

Bob #23 - Petrus Antonius

Petrus was intense. He didn't falter from his drive of slow moving-but-intense energy. He also hosted a wonderful celebration afterwards where I met several Tampa artists. You are who you surround your self with and Petrus surrounds himself with fantastic people.

Here's his testimonial

and you can go here to find other clips. Keyword search: Petrus

Friday, September 5, 2008

Bob #22 - Julie Rowe

Julie Rowe was a great Bob. Her commitment to the moment was a lesson I wish more students could have seen. She was a case study for being in the moment.

Her testimonial

And you can find more bits of Julie's evening Here. Keyword search: Julie.

Bob #21 - Emilia Sargent - Opening Night

Emilia is a rulles follower, as she admitted in the response session last night. She played by the book, but brought such a unique presence to the show last night.

Her testimonial:

Her remarks prior to the show can be found here.

If you were one in the udience last night, please comment on Emilia's production of An Oak Tree.